Transport links
How to find us
Motorways and airports
Address for navigation devices:
Rubbertskath 29–31, 46539 Dinslaken
The quickest way to get to our company is via the A3. Take exit 9 Dinslaken-South and keep right on the roundabout, to follow the federal highway 8. Following the road for approx. one kilometre and then turn right onto Kurt-Schuhmacher-Straße. After 500 metres, turn left into the destination street, Rubbertskath. Follow the road to house number 29–31.
Directions from Düsseldorf airport:
From Düsseldorf airport you can reach us in half an hour. Take the motorway interchange Breitscheid from the A52 to the A3 and follow it to exit 9 Dinslaken-South. Take the first exit on the roundabout and follow the federal highway until you get to Kurt-Schuhmacher-Straße. Turn right and follow the road straight on, until the destination street Rubbertskath appears on the left-hand side.
Opening hours
Monday – Thursday: 08.00 am – 5.00 pm
Friday: 08.00 am – 03.00 pm